Launch of Samantha Postman | BOLD perSPectives Podcaster

Samantha Postman
5 min readJun 30, 2021


🔥 Hot off the press: Launch newsletter of Samantha Postman
🎙 BOLD perSPectives Podcast
🎉 600+ downloads in our 1st 6 days!
👉 Inspirational Insights about Life, Culture & Business

Available on audio, including iTunes Podcasts & YouTube!

Hey — It’s Samantha, my podcast BOLD perSPectives was launched! Hooray! 🎉

As a storyteller, TEDx speaker Sept ’21, blogger, CEO, tax strategist, coach, photographer, social impacter, mentor, and friend.

I’m now a 🎙 PODCASTER.

It’s available on many audio platforms, including iTunes Podcasts and YouTube!

🤗 You have been a valued supporter and asked to be updated, thank you.

🚨 If you received email from Samantha (forwarded by her private email), please opt-in for the newsletter so that you don’t miss any future updates.

I’m calling on my supporters like you, as I really need your help.

Many of you are taking road trips this summer. Which is a perfect time to listen to a 3 part series. That helps a lot because:

In order to be a success, iTunes will promote the podcast if enough of you download the episodes. Just type in my name or the podcast name in the search bar.

It helps most if you download all episodes

🎧 If you love it, or you love me, 🙏🏻 please subscribe, rate & review to my:




If you don’t mind, I need 100 YouTube subscribers for full streaming rights 👇


All transcripts (blog), audios, videos and are available at

➡️ (the site is a little rough it gets polished)

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ABOUT: BOLD perSPectives Podcast 👇

Boldly honest insights, inspiring life advice, wisdom, and mentorship from someone who thrives despite a devastating past.

Hear jaw-dropping stories, lessons learned, occasional salty rants, with refreshing perspectives that will improve your own life and the world around you.

Samantha is flipping the format, letting her guests interview her on the spot, giving them free access to her mind! This results in unscripted conversations full of wisdom, authenticity, and discovery!

BOLD PERSPECTIVES is a podcast for those seeking to live a better life and make the world a better place. Hosted by SAMANTHA POSTMAN, gain real and relevant knowledge, insight and a completely out-of-the-box perspective on how to shift your beliefs about relationships, parenting, work-life, and communities.

Success depends on an openness to learn, problem-solve, and make better decisions. In fact, the quality of your future life depends on how you react to new information.

Tune in to learn and build skills of awareness; and become the problem solver others look to.

What people are saying: Brian To 🚢 9️⃣0️⃣/∞

“The first episode literally blew my 🧠🤯

This will be my go to podcast for a masterclass in LIFE.

Wisdom nuggets and atomic knowledge bombs every minute.

Can’t wait for what you have next @SamanthaPostman”

June 24th Launch:

E1 | Trailer (2 min):

Trailer on YouTube (subscribe and like)

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E2 | Whys of Podcasting, Challenges of Remote Work & Bold Perspectives with Casey Juanxi Li (Part 1 of 3)

Ever wonder why I and other podcasters out there chose the podcast platform over the many platforms under the sun despite it being a bit of work and commitment for a not-so-wide reach?

It’s because I knew there is so much more to podcasting than meets the surface. Join me in my first-ever episode with the amazing co-founder of Podding Labs, Casey Juanxi Li.

In this episode and all of my episodes for that matter, I flipped the usual interview format.

I strongly believe podcasting is the most efficient way to repurpose content into multiple channels and platforms. I shared the reason behind this perspective in this episode. We also talked about remote work, limited opportunities for women to grow, redefining the concepts of career and progress, and more.

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E3 | Stereotypes, Pivoting, Healthy Discussions and More with Casey Juanxi Li (Part 2 of 3)

We live in a society where changing direction in the face of insurmountable odds is seen as quitting or being a failure.

But when you think about it, isn’t that a smart move? When everything is stacked up against you and there is no way you can succeed while following the same path, then it is time to pivot. As Casey Juanxi Li says, “There is no point in beating your head against a wall or going up the path of most resistance.”

Continuing with this conversation, I elaborated on how pivoting played an important role throughout my journey.

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E4 | Creative Vision and Connecting Podcast Creators with Casey Juanxi Li, Part 3 of 3

In this final lap of Samantha Postman’s conversation with Casey Juanxi Li, they finally get into Casey’s cool initiative called Podding Labs, a cross-promotion community that connects indie podcasters with each other so that they can get the tools they need to thrive so that they can rock at what they want to do.

Why did Casey choose to create a platform like Podding Labs instead of starting a podcast on her own? What does creative vision mean to her and how does this initiative fit into it? Tune in to learn more.

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E5 | Conversations About Culture, The MeToo Movement And Diversity With Dr. Ayomide Adebayo (part 1 of 3)

Be enriched by Samantha Postman’s conversation with Dr. Ayomide Adebayo as they enjoy a very raw conversation about culture, mentorship, and diversity. Dr. Ayomide is a Nigerian psychiatrist who works in England and he joins Samantha to share his thoughts on very diverse topics.

Samantha starts by talking about her tax accountant journey and how not a lot of people realize that there’s psychiatry in this type of work. She opens up about writing and posting about the MeToo Movement on her Twitter and sparking up a conversation to her connections on social media.

They also talk about mentorship and how people, especially women in corporations are afraid to mention mentorship and what we should be doing about it.

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E6 | Being A Well-Rounded Person, Cultural Metaphors, And Relationships With Dr. Ayomide Adebayo, Part 2 Of 3

We have always been told to identify our strengths and weaknesses and work on those weaknesses to become a well-rounded person.

But isn’t that an exhausting way to do things? Wouldn’t it be better to focus on our strengths instead? Samantha Postman shares this epiphany of hers with Dr. Ayomide Adebayo in this second part of their conversation, which also leads to a number of very interesting deep dives.

Among other topics, you’d be amazed just how much a tax accountant like Samantha has in common with a psychologist like Dr. Ayomide.

They also talk about cultural metaphors, relationships, and so much more! Join in for a fascinating conversation that opens your eyes to a slew of bold perspectives on things that really matter.

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Thank you again for your amazing ❤️ support!

If you read this far, 🏆 wow! You are dedicated. Thank-you! Perhaps, you would share this newsletter with a friend who would love to stay in “the know” like you.

If you were wondering about my upcoming TED talk, I will share more in a future newsletter.

Samantha Postman

CEO flipped Podcaster, Blogger, YouTuber & more…

TEDx Speaker Sept ‘21



Samantha Postman

Polymath POV. Advice for Success, Philosophy & Wisdom to help unlock your unlimited potential. Walfare-kid to Global Speaker, Creative, CEO+